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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Socket.IO Chat App in React Native for iOSAndroid

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视频 2024-2-20 18:18 2024-4-27 15:46 35 1.2 GB 36
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Socket.IO Chat App in React Native for iOSAndroid的二维码
  1. 01 - Setting up developer environment/001 Download and Install Nodejs.mp425.26MB
  2. 01 - Setting up developer environment/002 Download and Install Visual Studio Code.mp416.8MB
  3. 01 - Setting up developer environment/003 Install React Native (Expo).mp450.45MB
  4. 02 - Starting our Socket.io backend/001 Initializing our Socket.io backend.mp463.49MB
  5. 02 - Starting our Socket.io backend/002 Listening for connection event in Socket.io backend.mp456.07MB
  6. 03 - Connecting to Socket.io from React Native/001 Connecting to Socket.io from React Native.mp493.17MB
  7. 03 - Connecting to Socket.io from React Native/002 Removing yellow warning in React Native about Socket.io.mp414.41MB
  8. 03 - Connecting to Socket.io from React Native/003 Adding TextInput and saving entered message state.mp454.56MB
  9. 03 - Connecting to Socket.io from React Native/004 Sending Chat Message to Socket.IO Backend from React Native.mp425.69MB
  10. 03 - Connecting to Socket.io from React Native/005 Receiving Message in React Native from Socket.io.mp432.88MB
  11. 04 - Bootstrapping UI with Gifted Chat UI Kit/001 Installing Gifted Chat and fixing KeyboardAvoidingView in Android.mp479.11MB
  12. 04 - Bootstrapping UI with Gifted Chat UI Kit/002 Displaying received messages from Socket.io in new UI.mp436.27MB
  13. 04 - Bootstrapping UI with Gifted Chat UI Kit/003 Security issues to avoid, userId mapping and some house cleaning.mp468.11MB
  14. 05 - Expanding Socket.io backend/001 Implementing userIds and sending full message object from Socket.io.mp448.18MB
  15. 05 - Expanding Socket.io backend/002 Creating Separate Message Event Handler.mp420.42MB
  16. 06 - Public Chat App with Usernames/001 Adding Usernames to Socket.io Backend.mp413.01MB
  17. 06 - Public Chat App with Usernames/002 Creating Join Screen.mp419.02MB
  18. 06 - Public Chat App with Usernames/003 Layout in Join Screen.mp420.32MB
  19. 06 - Public Chat App with Usernames/004 Last polishes on Join Screen layout (Promise!).mp430.77MB
  20. 06 - Public Chat App with Usernames/005 Creating JoinChat function and joining chat with usernames!.mp426.62MB
  21. 06 - Public Chat App with Usernames/006 Fixing issue with unique avatars.mp426.13MB
  22. 07 - Adding Navigation/001 Intro to section.mp47.43MB
  23. 07 - Adding Navigation/002 Installing and Using react-navigation.mp424.18MB
  24. 08 - Adding Redux/001 Intro to Redux section.mp412.28MB
  25. 08 - Adding Redux/002 Adding Redux.mp448.19MB
  26. 09 - Using Redux and react-navigation in our Chat App/001 Dispatching Join Event from JoinScreen.js with Redux.mp418.76MB
  27. 09 - Using Redux and react-navigation in our Chat App/002 Navigating to FriendListScreen and fixing keyboard for Android in JoinScreen.mp415.52MB
  28. 09 - Using Redux and react-navigation in our Chat App/003 Getting Users Online from Socket.io into our Redux Store.mp431.39MB
  29. 09 - Using Redux and react-navigation in our Chat App/004 Displaying Users Online in FlatList and handling disconnect event.mp426.2MB
  30. 09 - Using Redux and react-navigation in our Chat App/005 Adding User Avatar and TouchableOpacity to FriendListScreen.mp425.36MB
  31. 09 - Using Redux and react-navigation in our Chat App/006 Navigating to ChatScreen after pressing on User in FriendList.mp447.57MB
  32. 09 - Using Redux and react-navigation in our Chat App/007 Sending Private Message to Socket.io backend.mp420.19MB
  33. 10 - Implementing Private Messaging/001 Creating selfUser State Property.mp450.92MB
  34. 10 - Implementing Private Messaging/002 Creating Conversations State Property.mp421.63MB
  35. 10 - Implementing Private Messaging/003 Appending sent messages locally.mp420.35MB
  36. 10 - Implementing Private Messaging/004 Sending messages across Socket.IO.mp441.69MB
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