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[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Learn to Assemble a Basic Drone using KK Flight Controller

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视频 2022-7-21 02:51 2024-4-21 09:17 238 2.64 GB 56
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Learn to Assemble a Basic Drone using KK Flight Controller的二维码
  1. ~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction/1. Drone introduction and Flight Test.mp419.92MB
  2. ~Get Your Files Here !/10. Propellors/1. Know Your Propellors.mp427.61MB
  3. ~Get Your Files Here !/10. Propellors/2. Mount Propellors.mp459.11MB
  4. ~Get Your Files Here !/11. Transmitter/1. Transmitter Controls.mp455.41MB
  5. ~Get Your Files Here !/11. Transmitter/2. Arming and Disarming.mp417.99MB
  6. ~Get Your Files Here !/11. Transmitter/3. Toggle Self Level.mp415.42MB
  7. ~Get Your Files Here !/12. Flight Test and Debugging/1. Flight Test.mp410.93MB
  8. ~Get Your Files Here !/12. Flight Test and Debugging/2. Debugging.mp4133.99MB
  9. ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Know Your Kit/1. Intro To Kit.mp423.17MB
  10. ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Know Your Kit/2. Transmitter Receiver.mp4114.5MB
  11. ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Know Your Kit/3. kk Flight Controller.mp473.87MB
  12. ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Know Your Kit/4. BLDC motors.mp482.82MB
  13. ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Know Your Kit/5. ESCs.mp448.62MB
  14. ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Know Your Kit/6. Lipo Battery.mp4126.66MB
  15. ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Know Your Kit/7. Propellors.mp475.91MB
  16. ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Know Your Kit/8. Frame.mp488.03MB
  17. ~Get Your Files Here !/3. Tools Required/1. All Tools.mp419.43MB
  18. ~Get Your Files Here !/3. Tools Required/10. Cable Ties.mp48.33MB
  19. ~Get Your Files Here !/3. Tools Required/11. Double sided tape.mp42.44MB
  20. ~Get Your Files Here !/3. Tools Required/2. Hot Glue gun.mp48.85MB
  21. ~Get Your Files Here !/3. Tools Required/3. Soldering Iron.mp415.47MB
  22. ~Get Your Files Here !/3. Tools Required/4. Soldering basics.mp458.99MB
  23. ~Get Your Files Here !/3. Tools Required/5. Wire Clippers.mp422.49MB
  24. ~Get Your Files Here !/3. Tools Required/6. Screw Driver Set.mp43.77MB
  25. ~Get Your Files Here !/3. Tools Required/7. Heat Shrink.mp412.48MB
  26. ~Get Your Files Here !/3. Tools Required/8. Forceps.mp48.72MB
  27. ~Get Your Files Here !/3. Tools Required/9. Lighter for Heat Shrink.mp43MB
  28. ~Get Your Files Here !/4. Transmitter Receiver/1. PairingBinding Tx and Rx.mp4101.6MB
  29. ~Get Your Files Here !/4. Transmitter Receiver/2. Testing signal with BLDC motor.mp470.37MB
  30. ~Get Your Files Here !/5. Basic Setup/1. Drone Assembly Idea phase.mp473.39MB
  31. ~Get Your Files Here !/5. Basic Setup/2. Connections idea phase.mp417.13MB
  32. ~Get Your Files Here !/6. Power Distribution Board/1. Solder wires to XT60 connector.mp488.26MB
  33. ~Get Your Files Here !/6. Power Distribution Board/2. solder wires to PDB.mp444.84MB
  34. ~Get Your Files Here !/6. Power Distribution Board/3. Testing with Multimeter.mp424.72MB
  35. ~Get Your Files Here !/7. Drone Assembly/1. Frame Assembly.mp4130.85MB
  36. ~Get Your Files Here !/7. Drone Assembly/2. Solder ESCs to BLDC motor.mp4215.14MB
  37. ~Get Your Files Here !/7. Drone Assembly/3. Mount Motor and ESC on Frame Arms.mp472.99MB
  38. ~Get Your Files Here !/7. Drone Assembly/4. Solder ESC on PDB.mp447.06MB
  39. ~Get Your Files Here !/7. Drone Assembly/5. Testing Motors with a Servo Controller.mp434.39MB
  40. ~Get Your Files Here !/7. Drone Assembly/6. Install other Motors and ESCs.mp423.38MB
  41. ~Get Your Files Here !/7. Drone Assembly/7. Install Lipo Battery.mp441.98MB
  42. ~Get Your Files Here !/7. Drone Assembly/8. Assemble Top Plate using Spacers.mp450.83MB
  43. ~Get Your Files Here !/7. Drone Assembly/9. Mount XT60 Connectors and Shock Absorbers.mp436.85MB
  44. ~Get Your Files Here !/8. Flight Controller/1. Know Your Flight Controller.mp442.37MB
  45. ~Get Your Files Here !/8. Flight Controller/2. Mount Flight Controller.mp432.02MB
  46. ~Get Your Files Here !/8. Flight Controller/3. Connect ESCs to Flight Controller.mp442.23MB
  47. ~Get Your Files Here !/8. Flight Controller/4. Connect Receiver.mp4100.14MB
  48. ~Get Your Files Here !/8. Flight Controller/5. Add Buzzer.mp414.41MB
  49. ~Get Your Files Here !/9. Configuration and Calibration/1. KK Flight Controller Manual.mp415.05MB
  50. ~Get Your Files Here !/9. Configuration and Calibration/2. Factory Reset and Choose Motor Layout.mp439.85MB
  51. ~Get Your Files Here !/9. Configuration and Calibration/3. Acc Calibration.mp418.92MB
  52. ~Get Your Files Here !/9. Configuration and Calibration/4. Self Level Settings.mp421.73MB
  53. ~Get Your Files Here !/9. Configuration and Calibration/5. Receiver Test.mp444.58MB
  54. ~Get Your Files Here !/9. Configuration and Calibration/6. Calibrate ESCs.mp426.23MB
  55. ~Get Your Files Here !/9. Configuration and Calibration/7. PI Editor theory.mp461.82MB
  56. ~Get Your Files Here !/9. Configuration and Calibration/8. PI values we used.mp430.4MB
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