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CBTNuggets - Microsoft Certified Azure Fundamentals - AZ-900 - Microsoft Azure Certification Training

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视频 2024-3-3 23:52 2024-4-27 02:28 59 4.62 GB 64
CBTNuggets - Microsoft Certified Azure Fundamentals - AZ-900 - Microsoft Azure Certification Training的二维码
  1. 4. Understand the Physical and Logical Layout of Azure/2. Azure Regions .mp4153.09MB
  2. 1. Understand the Point of the Cloud/2. Create an Azure Account .mp487.29MB
  3. 1. Understand the Point of the Cloud/3. Define a Cloud .mp459.83MB
  4. 1. Understand the Point of the Cloud/4. Defining a Data Center .mp459.28MB
  5. 1. Understand the Point of the Cloud/5. Defining DevOps .mp492.3MB
  6. 1. Understand the Point of the Cloud/6. Explore What You Can Do .mp457.84MB
  7. 2. Understand Core Characteristics of Clouds/1. Understand Common Cloud Characteristics .mp468.96MB
  8. 2. Understand Core Characteristics of Clouds/2. IaaS .mp4120.3MB
  9. 2. Understand Core Characteristics of Clouds/3. PaaS .mp499.32MB
  10. 2. Understand Core Characteristics of Clouds/4. SaaS .mp462.69MB
  11. 2. Understand Core Characteristics of Clouds/5. Consumption-Based Pricing .mp481.24MB
  12. 2. Understand Core Characteristics of Clouds/6. Who Secures What .mp483.84MB
  13. 3. Understand Azure Compute with VMs/1. Introducing Azure Virtual Machines .mp459.08MB
  14. 3. Understand Azure Compute with VMs/2. VM Components .mp466.87MB
  15. 3. Understand Azure Compute with VMs/3. Deploy a VM .mp4108.95MB
  16. 3. Understand Azure Compute with VMs/4. Access a VM .mp481.4MB
  17. 3. Understand Azure Compute with VMs/5. VM Availability Sets .mp468.2MB
  18. 3. Understand Azure Compute with VMs/6. VM Scale Sets .mp461.42MB
  19. 4. Understand the Physical and Logical Layout of Azure/1. Introducing Azure Resource Layouts .mp452.86MB
  20. 1. Understand the Point of the Cloud/1. Understand the Point of the Cloud .mp466.61MB
  21. 4. Understand the Physical and Logical Layout of Azure/3. Azure Availability Zones .mp470.25MB
  22. 4. Understand the Physical and Logical Layout of Azure/4. Resource Groups .mp480.86MB
  23. 4. Understand the Physical and Logical Layout of Azure/5. Subscriptions .mp470.11MB
  24. 4. Understand the Physical and Logical Layout of Azure/6. Management Groups .mp472.58MB
  25. 5. Understand Azure Networking/1. Introducing Azure Networking Designs .mp446.34MB
  26. 5. Understand Azure Networking/2. Explore Azure Network Options .mp4106.73MB
  27. 5. Understand Azure Networking/3. Deploy Azure VNets .mp459.97MB
  28. 5. Understand Azure Networking/4. VNet Peering .mp468.52MB
  29. 5. Understand Azure Networking/5. VPNs .mp490.03MB
  30. 5. Understand Azure Networking/6. ExpressRoute .mp457.31MB
  31. 5. Understand Azure Networking/7. Azure DNS .mp451.65MB
  32. 6. Understand Azure PaaS Compute Options/1. Introducing Azure PaaS Compute Options .mp468.54MB
  33. 6. Understand Azure PaaS Compute Options/2. The Point of PaaS .mp454.93MB
  34. 6. Understand Azure PaaS Compute Options/3. App Services .mp476.11MB
  35. 6. Understand Azure PaaS Compute Options/4. Demo of Deploying to an App Service .mp453.07MB
  36. 6. Understand Azure PaaS Compute Options/5. Logic Apps .mp492.23MB
  37. 6. Understand Azure PaaS Compute Options/6. Function Apps .mp457.63MB
  38. 6. Understand Azure PaaS Compute Options/7. Azure Container Deployment Options .mp462.11MB
  39. 7. Understand Cost Analysis and Prediction Tools/1. Introducing Azure Cost Analysis .mp461.26MB
  40. 7. Understand Cost Analysis and Prediction Tools/2. Explore Resource Pricing .mp480.84MB
  41. 7. Understand Cost Analysis and Prediction Tools/3. Total Cost of Ownership Calculator .mp472.91MB
  42. 7. Understand Cost Analysis and Prediction Tools/4. Azure Cost Calculator .mp4101.41MB
  43. 7. Understand Cost Analysis and Prediction Tools/5. Budgets and Subscription Management .mp493.73MB
  44. 8. Explore Azure Identity and Security Options/1. Introducing Azure Identity and Governance Operations .mp453.86MB
  45. 8. Explore Azure Identity and Security Options/2. Azure Active Directory .mp495.38MB
  46. 8. Explore Azure Identity and Security Options/3. Synchronizing and Extending Active Directory .mp497.89MB
  47. 8. Explore Azure Identity and Security Options/4. Role Based Access Controls .mp491.25MB
  48. 8. Explore Azure Identity and Security Options/5. Multi-Factor Authentication .mp454.27MB
  49. 8. Explore Azure Identity and Security Options/6. Conditional Access .mp457.21MB
  50. 8. Explore Azure Identity and Security Options/7. Azure Policy .mp460.39MB
  51. 9. Explore Management and Monitoring Tools in Azure/1. Introducing Azure Tools for Monitoring and Maintenance .mp437.26MB
  52. 9. Explore Management and Monitoring Tools in Azure/2. Powershell .mp4120.75MB
  53. 9. Explore Management and Monitoring Tools in Azure/3. Az CLI .mp495.33MB
  54. 9. Explore Management and Monitoring Tools in Azure/4. Azure Cloud Shell .mp449.58MB
  55. 9. Explore Management and Monitoring Tools in Azure/5. ARM Templates .mp486.11MB
  56. 9. Explore Management and Monitoring Tools in Azure/6. Azure Monitor, Alerts, and Logging .mp463.28MB
  57. 9. Explore Management and Monitoring Tools in Azure/7. Azure Insights .mp475.74MB
  58. 10. Explore Azure Storage Operations/1. Introducing Azure Storage Options .mp442.59MB
  59. 10. Explore Azure Storage Operations/2. Deploy a Storage Account .mp453.95MB
  60. 10. Explore Azure Storage Operations/3. Storage Account Types .mp485.49MB
  61. 10. Explore Azure Storage Operations/4. Storage Access Tiers .mp470.49MB
  62. 10. Explore Azure Storage Operations/5. Redundancy Options .mp473.66MB
  63. 10. Explore Azure Storage Operations/6. Hybrid Storage Environments .mp463.85MB
  64. 10. Explore Azure Storage Operations/7. Storage Migration Options .mp459.48MB
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