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Introduction to Finance (University of Michigan, Gautam Kaul) 2012

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视频 2024-3-17 10:45 2024-4-28 00:41 22 2.63 GB 90
Introduction to Finance (University of Michigan, Gautam Kaul) 2012的二维码
  1. _Welcome/1 - 1 - Welcome Video (1944).mp471.17MB
  2. Week 8/9 - 2 - 8.2 Diversification 2 Assets (2429).mp457.19MB
  3. Week 7/8 - 8 - 7.8 Back to Risk Diversification (2523).mp456.19MB
  4. Week 1/2 - 1 - 1.1 Introduction Why Finance (1857).mp455.67MB
  5. Week 5/6 - 6 - 5.6 Sources of Risk in Bonds (2152).mp450.23MB
  6. Week 1/2 - 2 - 1.2 Introduction Class Information (1645).mp448.5MB
  7. Week 6/7 - 3 - 6.3 Stock Pricing_Valuation (21.53).mp446.13MB
  8. Week 3/4 - 2 - 3.2 Decision Criteria NPV (2009).mp446.07MB
  9. Week 6/7 - 4 - 6.4 Dividend Growth Stocks (22.51).mp445.91MB
  10. Week 5/6 - 3 - 5.3 Zero-Coupon Government Bonds (2007).mp445.4MB
  11. Week 10/11 - 3 - 10.3 Valuation Main Takeaways (12.54).mp443.71MB
  12. Week 3/4 - 1 - 3.1 Recap Week 2 (2209).mp443.3MB
  13. Week 1/2 - 6 - 1.6 Simple FV Example (1954).mp442.67MB
  14. Week 2/3 - 3 - 2.3 FV of Annuity Example 1 (2008).mp441.98MB
  15. Week 5/6 - 1 - 5.1 Recap Week 4 (1718).mp441.85MB
  16. Week 8/9 - 7 - 8.7 Risk Return Market Analysis (16.0) .mp441.47MB
  17. Week 7/8 - 5 - 7.5 Statistics Mean Variance (1825).mp440.67MB
  18. Week 6/7 - 5 - 6.5 The Engine of Growth (17.28).mp440.62MB
  19. Week 4/5 - 6 - 4.6 Cash Flows A Template (1656).mp440.42MB
  20. Week 8/9 - 5 - 8.5 Measure of Risk Beta (17.56).mp440.37MB
  21. Week 4/5 - 7 - 4.7 Cash Flows Capital Items (1437).mp440.33MB
  22. Week 8/9 - 6 - 8.6 Risk Return CAPM (18.43).mp440.17MB
  23. Week 3/4 - 3 - 3.3 NPV Intuition Beauty (1855).mp439.65MB
  24. Week 8/9 - 4 - 8.4 Diversification Bottom Line (20.34).mp439.44MB
  25. Week 3/4 - 5 - 3.5 Decision Criteria Payback (1544).mp439.35MB
  26. Week 4/5 - 2 - 4.2 IRR Bias I (2056).mp438.26MB
  27. Week 8/9 - 1 - 8.1 Recap Week 7 (1638).mp438.06MB
  28. Week 2/3 - 7 - 2.7 A Loan The Power of Finance (2050).mp437.89MB
  29. Week 1/2 - 8 - 1.8 Simple Present Value (PV) (1714).mp436.57MB
  30. Week 9/10 - 1 - 9.1 Recap Week 8 (17.41).mp435.61MB
  31. Week 4/5 - 5 - 4.5 Cash Flows Basics (1527).mp435.21MB
  32. Week 10/11 - 4 - 10.4 Final the Future (14.45).mp435.08MB
  33. Week 9/10 - 18 - 9.18 Wrap Up Real World Twists (14.44).mp434.27MB
  34. Week 4/5 - 9 - 4.9 Cash Flows Important Principles II (1556).mp433.69MB
  35. Week 9/10 - 3 - 9.3 Leverage Risk (14.56).mp433.61MB
  36. Week 2/3 - 6 - 2.6 PV of Annuity Examples (1720).mp433.48MB
  37. Week 5/6 - 2 - 5.2 Financing Bonds and Stocks (1358).mp432.82MB
  38. Week 9/10 - 5 - 9.5 Valuation Mega Example Set Up (15.13).mp432.8MB
  39. Week 6/7 - 8 - 6.8 Good or Bad Growth (16.19).mp432.65MB
  40. Week 1/2 - 3 - 1.3 Time Value of Money (TVM) (1212).mp432.6MB
  41. Week 7/8 - 6 - 7.6 Statistics Covariance Correlation (1334).mp431.77MB
  42. Week 5/6 - 4 - 5.4 Government Coupon Bonds (1526).mp431.34MB
  43. Week 6/7 - 2 - 6.2 What is a Stock (13.33).mp431.19MB
  44. Week 3/4 - 7 - 3.7 IRR Graphical Representation (1556).mp430.48MB
  45. Week 7/8 - 7 - 7.7 Statistics Regression (1355).mp430.04MB
  46. Week 7/8 - 4 - 7.4 What is Risk (1331).mp429.84MB
  47. Week 4/5 - 8 - 4.8 Cash Flows Important Principles I (1351).mp429.61MB
  48. Week 7/8 - 3 - 7.3 Valuation Risk Estimation (1133).mp429.29MB
  49. Week 2/3 - 10 - 2.10 Mega Example Putting it All Together (1600).mp428.99MB
  50. Week 10/11 - 1 - 10.1 Value Creation Measurement (15.08).mp428.92MB
  51. Week 10/11 - 5 - 10.5 Final Thoughts (12.26).mp428.86MB
  52. Week 9/10 - 2 - 9.2 Cost of Capital WACC (13.53).mp428.27MB
  53. Week 1/2 - 4 - 1.4 Simple Future Value (FV) (1447).mp428.23MB
  54. Week 2/3 - 2 - 2.2 FV of Annuity Concept (1424).mp428MB
  55. Week 3/4 - 6 - 3.6 Decision Criteria IRR (1336).mp427.69MB
  56. Week 3/4 - 4 - 3.4 NPV Properties Formula (947).mp426.54MB
  57. Week 2/3 - 9 - 2.9 Valuing Perpetuities (1246).mp426.52MB
  58. Week 4/5 - 3 - 4.3 IRR Bias II (1348).mp426.06MB
  59. Week 7/8 - 2 - 7.2 Why Risk Return (1238).mp425.82MB
  60. Week 5/6 - 5 - 5.5 Bond Pricing Calculations (1008).mp425.77MB
  61. Week 10/11 - 2 - 10.2 Finance Valuable to Anyone.mp425.4MB
  62. Week 5/6 - 7 - 5.7 Market Data on Bonds (1042).mp424.91MB
  63. Week 3/4 - 8 - 3.8 IRR A Practical Issue (1127).mp424.53MB
  64. Week 6/7 - 6 - 6.6 Valuation the Big Picture (10.16).mp423.94MB
  65. Week 8/9 - 3 - 8.3 Diversification Two Assets Intuition (1045).mp423.03MB
  66. Week 1/2 - 5 - 1.5 Simple FV... (1006).mp421.71MB
  67. Week 2/3 - 4 - 2.4 FV of Annuity Example 2 (1016).mp421.27MB
  68. Week 2/3 - 1 - 2.1 Recap Week 1 (738).mp420.19MB
  69. Week 2/3 - 8 - 2.8 Compounding (1031).mp419.4MB
  70. Week 4/5 - 4 - 4.4 IRR Properties (827).mp418.6MB
  71. Week 6/7 - 9 - 6.9 Stocks- Market Data (7.35).mp418.38MB
  72. Week 4/5 - 1 - 4.1 Recap Week 3 (825).mp418.04MB
  73. Week 9/10 - 4 - 9.4 Leverage WACC (9.10).mp418MB
  74. Week 7/8 - 1 - 7.1 Recap Week 6 (746).mp417.09MB
  75. Week 6/7 - 1 - 6.1 Recap Week 5 (8.24).mp417MB
  76. Week 2/3 - 5 - 2.5 PV of Annuity Concept (838).mp416.04MB
  77. Week 9/10 - 17 - 9.17 Mega Example Question 7 Analysis (6.20).mp415.88MB
  78. Week 1/2 - 7 - 1.7 Simple FV Example 2 (541).mp414.39MB
  79. Week 9/10 - 13 - 9.13 Mega Example Question 4 Analysis (7.03).mp414.31MB
  80. Week 6/7 - 7 - 6.7 What is Growth (6.54).mp413.77MB
  81. Week 9/10 - 16 - 9.16 Mega Example Question 6 Analysis (4.50).mp410.52MB
  82. Week 9/10 - 7 - 9.7 Mega Example Question 1 Analysis (5.57).mp410.43MB
  83. Week 9/10 - 9 - 9.9 Mega Example Question 2 Analysis (5.53).mp410.19MB
  84. Week 9/10 - 14 - 9.14 Mega Example Question 5 Analysis (3.49).mp49.81MB
  85. Week 9/10 - 11 - 9.11 Mega Example Question 3 Analysis (4.36).mp49MB
  86. Week 9/10 - 15 - 9.15 Mega Example Question 6 (1.46).mp45.62MB
  87. Week 9/10 - 6 - 9.6 Mega Example Question 1 (2.04).mp44.96MB
  88. Week 9/10 - 12 - 9.12 Mega Example Question 4 (1.26).mp44.78MB
  89. Week 9/10 - 10 - 9.10 Mega Example Question 3 (1.08).mp43.66MB
  90. Week 9/10 - 8 - 9.8 Mega Example Question 2 (0.54).mp42.32MB
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