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[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Advanced Reinforcement Learning in Python - cutting-edge DQNs

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视频 2023-12-27 05:15 2024-4-26 04:25 66 1.55 GB 62
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Advanced Reinforcement Learning in Python - cutting-edge DQNs的二维码
  1. ~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction/1. Introduction.mp432.37MB
  2. ~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction/3. Google Colab.mp45.77MB
  3. ~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction/4. Where to begin.mp44.61MB
  4. ~Get Your Files Here !/10. Prioritized Experience Replay/3. DQN for visual inputs.mp469.15MB
  5. ~Get Your Files Here !/10. Prioritized Experience Replay/4. Prioritized Experience Repay Buffer.mp463.61MB
  6. ~Get Your Files Here !/10. Prioritized Experience Replay/5. Create the environment.mp462.59MB
  7. ~Get Your Files Here !/10. Prioritized Experience Replay/6. Implement the Deep Q-Learning algorithm with Prioritized Experience Replay.mp463.31MB
  8. ~Get Your Files Here !/10. Prioritized Experience Replay/7. Launch the training process.mp442.51MB
  9. ~Get Your Files Here !/10. Prioritized Experience Replay/8. Check the resulting agent.mp416.76MB
  10. ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Refresher The Markov Decision Process (MDP)/1. Module overview.mp42.61MB
  11. ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Refresher The Markov Decision Process (MDP)/10. Bellman equations.mp412.41MB
  12. ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Refresher The Markov Decision Process (MDP)/11. Solving a Markov decision process.mp414.15MB
  13. ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Refresher The Markov Decision Process (MDP)/2. Elements common to all control tasks.mp438.74MB
  14. ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Refresher The Markov Decision Process (MDP)/3. The Markov decision process (MDP).mp425.1MB
  15. ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Refresher The Markov Decision Process (MDP)/4. Types of Markov decision process.mp48.68MB
  16. ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Refresher The Markov Decision Process (MDP)/5. Trajectory vs episode.mp44.95MB
  17. ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Refresher The Markov Decision Process (MDP)/6. Reward vs Return.mp45.3MB
  18. ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Refresher The Markov Decision Process (MDP)/7. Discount factor.mp414.78MB
  19. ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Refresher The Markov Decision Process (MDP)/8. Policy.mp47.41MB
  20. ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Refresher The Markov Decision Process (MDP)/9. State values v(s) and action values q(s,a).mp44.29MB
  21. ~Get Your Files Here !/3. Refresher Q-Learning/1. Module overview.mp41.49MB
  22. ~Get Your Files Here !/3. Refresher Q-Learning/2. Temporal difference methods.mp412.62MB
  23. ~Get Your Files Here !/3. Refresher Q-Learning/3. Solving control tasks with temporal difference method.mp414.52MB
  24. ~Get Your Files Here !/3. Refresher Q-Learning/4. Q-Learning.mp411.07MB
  25. ~Get Your Files Here !/3. Refresher Q-Learning/5. Advantages of temporal difference methods.mp43.71MB
  26. ~Get Your Files Here !/4. Refresher Brief introduction to Neural Networks/1. Module overview.mp41.78MB
  27. ~Get Your Files Here !/4. Refresher Brief introduction to Neural Networks/2. Function approximators.mp436.32MB
  28. ~Get Your Files Here !/4. Refresher Brief introduction to Neural Networks/3. Artificial Neural Networks.mp424.35MB
  29. ~Get Your Files Here !/4. Refresher Brief introduction to Neural Networks/4. Artificial Neurons.mp425.64MB
  30. ~Get Your Files Here !/4. Refresher Brief introduction to Neural Networks/5. How to represent a Neural Network.mp438.16MB
  31. ~Get Your Files Here !/4. Refresher Brief introduction to Neural Networks/6. Stochastic Gradient Descent.mp449.87MB
  32. ~Get Your Files Here !/4. Refresher Brief introduction to Neural Networks/7. Neural Network optimization.mp423.4MB
  33. ~Get Your Files Here !/5. Refresher Deep Q-Learning/1. Module overview.mp41.27MB
  34. ~Get Your Files Here !/5. Refresher Deep Q-Learning/2. Deep Q-Learning.mp416.17MB
  35. ~Get Your Files Here !/5. Refresher Deep Q-Learning/3. Experience replay.mp48.99MB
  36. ~Get Your Files Here !/5. Refresher Deep Q-Learning/4. Target Network.mp416.58MB
  37. ~Get Your Files Here !/6. PyTorch Lightning/1. PyTorch Lightning.mp432.01MB
  38. ~Get Your Files Here !/6. PyTorch Lightning/10. Prepare the data loader and the optimizer.mp430.43MB
  39. ~Get Your Files Here !/6. PyTorch Lightning/11. Define the train_step() method.mp449.77MB
  40. ~Get Your Files Here !/6. PyTorch Lightning/12. Define the train_epoch_end() method.mp432.17MB
  41. ~Get Your Files Here !/6. PyTorch Lightning/13. Train the Deep Q-Learning algorithm.mp435.05MB
  42. ~Get Your Files Here !/6. PyTorch Lightning/14. Explore the resulting agent.mp420.28MB
  43. ~Get Your Files Here !/6. PyTorch Lightning/3. Introduction to PyTorch Lightning.mp430.94MB
  44. ~Get Your Files Here !/6. PyTorch Lightning/4. Create the Deep Q-Network.mp422.93MB
  45. ~Get Your Files Here !/6. PyTorch Lightning/5. Create the policy.mp418.04MB
  46. ~Get Your Files Here !/6. PyTorch Lightning/6. Create the replay buffer.mp422.98MB
  47. ~Get Your Files Here !/6. PyTorch Lightning/7. Create the environment.mp432.21MB
  48. ~Get Your Files Here !/6. PyTorch Lightning/8. Define the class for the Deep Q-Learning algorithm.mp454.53MB
  49. ~Get Your Files Here !/6. PyTorch Lightning/9. Define the play_episode() function.mp429.11MB
  50. ~Get Your Files Here !/7. Hyperparameter tuning with Optuna/1. Hyperparameter tuning with Optuna.mp432.42MB
  51. ~Get Your Files Here !/7. Hyperparameter tuning with Optuna/3. Log average return.mp433.63MB
  52. ~Get Your Files Here !/7. Hyperparameter tuning with Optuna/4. Define the objective function.mp429.84MB
  53. ~Get Your Files Here !/7. Hyperparameter tuning with Optuna/5. Create and launch the hyperparameter tuning job.mp418.52MB
  54. ~Get Your Files Here !/7. Hyperparameter tuning with Optuna/6. Explore the best trial.mp419.19MB
  55. ~Get Your Files Here !/8. Double Deep Q-Learning/1. Maximization bias and Double Deep Q-Learning.mp413.84MB
  56. ~Get Your Files Here !/8. Double Deep Q-Learning/3. Create the Double Deep Q-Learning algorithm.mp449.94MB
  57. ~Get Your Files Here !/8. Double Deep Q-Learning/4. Check the resulting agent.mp49.13MB
  58. ~Get Your Files Here !/9. Dueling Deep Q-Networks/3. Create the dueling DQN.mp454.38MB
  59. ~Get Your Files Here !/9. Dueling Deep Q-Networks/4. Create the environment - Part 1.mp441.28MB
  60. ~Get Your Files Here !/9. Dueling Deep Q-Networks/5. Create the environment - Part 2.mp436.64MB
  61. ~Get Your Files Here !/9. Dueling Deep Q-Networks/6. Implement Deep Q-Learning.mp436.43MB
  62. ~Get Your Files Here !/9. Dueling Deep Q-Networks/7. Check the resulting agent.mp420.94MB
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