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Exam AI-900 Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals

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Exam AI-900 Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals的二维码
  1. Lesson 5 Describe Capabilities of Visual Tools in Azure Machine Learning Studio/003. 5.2 Azure Machine Learning designer.mp465.41MB
  2. Introduction/001. Exam AI-900 Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals Introduction.mp423.61MB
  3. Lesson 1 Identify Features of Common AI Workloads/001. Learning objectives.mp41.96MB
  4. Lesson 1 Identify Features of Common AI Workloads/002. 1.1 Identify features of anomaly detection workloads.mp45.73MB
  5. Lesson 1 Identify Features of Common AI Workloads/003. 1.2 Identify computer vision workloads.mp42.47MB
  6. Lesson 1 Identify Features of Common AI Workloads/004. 1.3 Identify natural language processing workloads.mp43.68MB
  7. Lesson 1 Identify Features of Common AI Workloads/005. 1.4 Identify knowledge mining workloads.mp435.3MB
  8. Lesson 2 Identify Guiding Principles for Responsible AI/001. Learning objectives.mp43.66MB
  9. Lesson 2 Identify Guiding Principles for Responsible AI/002. 2.1 Describe considerations for fairness in an AI solution.mp43.31MB
  10. Lesson 2 Identify Guiding Principles for Responsible AI/003. 2.2 Describe considerations for reliability and safety in an AI solution.mp41.68MB
  11. Lesson 2 Identify Guiding Principles for Responsible AI/004. 2.3 Describe considerations for privacy and security in an AI solution.mp42.04MB
  12. Lesson 2 Identify Guiding Principles for Responsible AI/005. 2.4 Describe considerations for inclusiveness in an AI solution.mp41.46MB
  13. Lesson 2 Identify Guiding Principles for Responsible AI/006. 2.5 Describe considerations for transparency in an AI solution.mp43.22MB
  14. Lesson 2 Identify Guiding Principles for Responsible AI/007. 2.6 Describe considerations for accountability in an AI solution.mp413.63MB
  15. Lesson 3 Identify Common Machine Learning Types/001. Learning objectives.mp42.77MB
  16. Lesson 3 Identify Common Machine Learning Types/002. 3.1 Identify regression machine learning scenarios.mp49.46MB
  17. Lesson 3 Identify Common Machine Learning Types/003. 3.2 Identify classification machine learning scenarios.mp42.36MB
  18. Lesson 3 Identify Common Machine Learning Types/004. 3.3 Identify clustering machine learning scenarios.mp434.11MB
  19. Lesson 4 Describe Core Machine Learning Concepts/001. Learning objectives.mp42.52MB
  20. Lesson 4 Describe Core Machine Learning Concepts/002. 4.1 Identify features and labels in a dataset for machine learning.mp47.52MB
  21. Lesson 4 Describe Core Machine Learning Concepts/003. 4.2 Describe how training and validation datasets are used in machine learning.mp429.86MB
  22. Lesson 5 Describe Capabilities of Visual Tools in Azure Machine Learning Studio/001. Learning objectives.mp42.75MB
  23. Lesson 5 Describe Capabilities of Visual Tools in Azure Machine Learning Studio/002. 5.1 Automated machine learning.mp44.69MB
  24. Lesson 6 Identify Common Types of Computer Vision Solution/001. Learning objectives.mp43.75MB
  25. Lesson 6 Identify Common Types of Computer Vision Solution/002. 6.1 Identify features of image classification solutions.mp412.25MB
  26. Lesson 6 Identify Common Types of Computer Vision Solution/003. 6.2 Identify features of object detection solutions.mp43.78MB
  27. Lesson 6 Identify Common Types of Computer Vision Solution/004. 6.3 Identify features of optical character recognition solutions.mp42.33MB
  28. Lesson 6 Identify Common Types of Computer Vision Solution/005. 6.4 Identify features of facial detection and facial analysis solutions.mp460.22MB
  29. Lesson 7 Identify Azure Tools and Services for Computer Vision Tasks/001. Learning objectives.mp43.8MB
  30. Lesson 7 Identify Azure Tools and Services for Computer Vision Tasks/002. 7.1 Identify capabilities of the Computer Vision service.mp41.18MB
  31. Lesson 7 Identify Azure Tools and Services for Computer Vision Tasks/003. 7.2 Identify capabilities of the Custom Vision service.mp43.57MB
  32. Lesson 7 Identify Azure Tools and Services for Computer Vision Tasks/004. 7.3 Identify capabilities of the Face service.mp42.1MB
  33. Lesson 7 Identify Azure Tools and Services for Computer Vision Tasks/005. 7.4 Identify capabilities of the Form Recognizer service.mp436.87MB
  34. Lesson 8 Identify Features of Common NLP Workload Scenarios/001. Learning objectives.mp43.84MB
  35. Lesson 8 Identify Features of Common NLP Workload Scenarios/002. 8.1 Identify features and uses for key phrase extraction.mp46.51MB
  36. Lesson 8 Identify Features of Common NLP Workload Scenarios/003. 8.2 Identify features and uses for entity recognition.mp42.81MB
  37. Lesson 8 Identify Features of Common NLP Workload Scenarios/004. 8.3 Identify features and uses for sentiment analysis.mp43.37MB
  38. Lesson 8 Identify Features of Common NLP Workload Scenarios/005. 8.4 Identify features and uses for language modeling.mp4723.42KB
  39. Lesson 8 Identify Features of Common NLP Workload Scenarios/006. 8.5 Identify features and uses for speech recognition and synthesis.mp43.88MB
  40. Lesson 8 Identify Features of Common NLP Workload Scenarios/007. 8.6 Identify features and uses for translation.mp420.27MB
  41. Lesson 9 Identify Azure Tools and Services for NLP Workloads/001. Learning objectives.mp42.97MB
  42. Lesson 9 Identify Azure Tools and Services for NLP Workloads/002. 9.1 Identify capabilities of the Language service.mp44.06MB
  43. Lesson 9 Identify Azure Tools and Services for NLP Workloads/003. 9.2 Identify capabilities of the Speech service.mp41.53MB
  44. Lesson 9 Identify Azure Tools and Services for NLP Workloads/004. 9.3 Identify capabilities of the Translator service.mp425.27MB
  45. Lesson 10 Identify Considerations for Conversational AI Solutions on Azure/001. Learning objectives.mp42.95MB
  46. Lesson 10 Identify Considerations for Conversational AI Solutions on Azure/002. 10.1 Identify features and uses for bots.mp47.91MB
  47. Lesson 10 Identify Considerations for Conversational AI Solutions on Azure/003. 10.2 Identify capabilities of the Power Virtual Agents and Azure Bot service.mp427.71MB
  48. Summary/001. Exam AI-900 Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals Summary.mp415.82MB
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