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[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Build Ebook App with Flutter, PHP, MySql and Ads Integration

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视频 2022-1-30 00:03 2024-4-28 09:47 221 3.66 GB 52
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Build Ebook App with Flutter, PHP, MySql and Ads Integration的二维码
  1. ~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction/1. Introduction.mp440.16MB
  2. ~Get Your Files Here !/10. Display Favorite Ebook from Database MySQL/1. Display Favorite Ebook from Database.mp492.33MB
  3. ~Get Your Files Here !/11. Create Design and Display Photo in Profile/1. Create Desing and Display Foto in Profile.mp4106.13MB
  4. ~Get Your Files Here !/11. Create Design and Display Photo in Profile/2. Display Name and Email in Profile.mp476.19MB
  5. ~Get Your Files Here !/11. Create Design and Display Photo in Profile/3. Create Logout in Profile.mp439.32MB
  6. ~Get Your Files Here !/11. Create Design and Display Photo in Profile/4. Update and Display Photo in Profile.mp480.26MB
  7. ~Get Your Files Here !/12. Display Ebook by Category/1. Display Ebook By Category.mp480.51MB
  8. ~Get Your Files Here !/13. Ads Config from Admin Panel (Admob, Unity and StartApp)/1. Add Library and Create Model Ads.mp462.74MB
  9. ~Get Your Files Here !/13. Ads Config from Admin Panel (Admob, Unity and StartApp)/10. Display Reward Ads and Banner (Admob and Unity).mp472.59MB
  10. ~Get Your Files Here !/13. Ads Config from Admin Panel (Admob, Unity and StartApp)/2. Create Ads init State.mp482.74MB
  11. ~Get Your Files Here !/13. Ads Config from Admin Panel (Admob, Unity and StartApp)/3. Create Ads Connection.mp434.62MB
  12. ~Get Your Files Here !/13. Ads Config from Admin Panel (Admob, Unity and StartApp)/4. Display Banner Ads in Home Page.mp4172.6MB
  13. ~Get Your Files Here !/13. Ads Config from Admin Panel (Admob, Unity and StartApp)/5. Add Null Safety to Project.mp473.71MB
  14. ~Get Your Files Here !/13. Ads Config from Admin Panel (Admob, Unity and StartApp)/6. Fix in Banner Ads.mp418MB
  15. ~Get Your Files Here !/13. Ads Config from Admin Panel (Admob, Unity and StartApp)/7. Create Admob Function Reward Ads.mp487.32MB
  16. ~Get Your Files Here !/13. Ads Config from Admin Panel (Admob, Unity and StartApp)/8. Create Unity Function Reward Ads.mp461.32MB
  17. ~Get Your Files Here !/13. Ads Config from Admin Panel (Admob, Unity and StartApp)/9. Add Library PDF Viewer.mp420.75MB
  18. ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Setup Admin Panel and Create Flutter Project/1. Setup Admin Panel.mp434.22MB
  19. ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Setup Admin Panel and Create Flutter Project/2. Create Flutter Project.mp416.98MB
  20. ~Get Your Files Here !/3. Add MVC in Project/1. What is MVC and Create MVC in Project.mp46.4MB
  21. ~Get Your Files Here !/4. Create Model, Controller and View Ebook App/1. Create Model Ebook App.mp461.21MB
  22. ~Get Your Files Here !/4. Create Model, Controller and View Ebook App/2. Add Library and Generate Model Ebook.mp450.82MB
  23. ~Get Your Files Here !/4. Create Model, Controller and View Ebook App/3. Crate Connection to Get Ebook Data.mp449.15MB
  24. ~Get Your Files Here !/5. Create Home Page and Bottom Navigation View/1. Create Bottom Navigation View.mp480.61MB
  25. ~Get Your Files Here !/5. Create Home Page and Bottom Navigation View/2. Create Design in Homepage.mp469.14MB
  26. ~Get Your Files Here !/5. Create Home Page and Bottom Navigation View/3. Create Design and Display Slider Ebook App.mp476.71MB
  27. ~Get Your Files Here !/5. Create Home Page and Bottom Navigation View/4. Create Shadow and Display Title in Slider.mp448.8MB
  28. ~Get Your Files Here !/5. Create Home Page and Bottom Navigation View/5. Display Latest Ebook in Home Page.mp4114.8MB
  29. ~Get Your Files Here !/5. Create Home Page and Bottom Navigation View/6. Add Custom Item in Item Count.mp461.85MB
  30. ~Get Your Files Here !/5. Create Home Page and Bottom Navigation View/7. Create Design and Display Coming Soon Ebook.mp4116.51MB
  31. ~Get Your Files Here !/5. Create Home Page and Bottom Navigation View/8. Create Model Category and Display Data in Home Page.mp4112.45MB
  32. ~Get Your Files Here !/5. Create Home Page and Bottom Navigation View/9. Display Category Title and Change App Bar.mp468.67MB
  33. ~Get Your Files Here !/6. Create Register Ebook App/1. Create Desgin for Register User.mp4103.9MB
  34. ~Get Your Files Here !/6. Create Register Ebook App/2. Create Assets Folder and Image Picker.mp473.51MB
  35. ~Get Your Files Here !/6. Create Register Ebook App/3. Create Function Choose Image Gallery and Camera.mp437.43MB
  36. ~Get Your Files Here !/6. Create Register Ebook App/4. Create Register Button for User.mp414.68MB
  37. ~Get Your Files Here !/6. Create Register Ebook App/5. Create Register Function.mp479.23MB
  38. ~Get Your Files Here !/6. Create Register Ebook App/6. Completed Register User.mp489.98MB
  39. ~Get Your Files Here !/6. Create Register Ebook App/7. Form Register Validation.mp4111MB
  40. ~Get Your Files Here !/7. Create Login Ebook App/1. Create Design in Login Page.mp450.27MB
  41. ~Get Your Files Here !/7. Create Login Ebook App/2. Create Login Function.mp476.65MB
  42. ~Get Your Files Here !/7. Create Login Ebook App/3. Shared Preferences and Route.mp486.6MB
  43. ~Get Your Files Here !/7. Create Login Ebook App/4. Check Auto Login and Display Photo and Name in Dashboard.mp4133.38MB
  44. ~Get Your Files Here !/8. Display Ebook in Library Page/1. Display All Ebook in Library.mp4100.19MB
  45. ~Get Your Files Here !/9. Create Detail of Ebook App/1. Create Detail of Ebook App.mp496.48MB
  46. ~Get Your Files Here !/9. Create Detail of Ebook App/2. Display Photo and Title in Detail Ebook.mp495.58MB
  47. ~Get Your Files Here !/9. Create Detail of Ebook App/3. Create Button for Read Ebook.mp463.06MB
  48. ~Get Your Files Here !/9. Create Detail of Ebook App/4. Add Description in Detail Ebook.mp413.13MB
  49. ~Get Your Files Here !/9. Create Detail of Ebook App/5. Create Favorite Function Ebook App.mp4105.14MB
  50. ~Get Your Files Here !/9. Create Detail of Ebook App/6. Save and Delete Favorite in Detail Ebook.mp4120.11MB
  51. ~Get Your Files Here !/9. Create Detail of Ebook App/7. Fix Bug in Popup Save Favorite.mp453.69MB
  52. ~Get Your Files Here !/9. Create Detail of Ebook App/8. Create Function Share Button in Detail Ebook.mp479.19MB
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