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SolidWorks Advanced Sketch ( Version 2019 2020 2021 )

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视频 2024-1-24 15:39 2024-4-26 04:31 32 1.38 GB 38
SolidWorks  Advanced Sketch  ( Version 2019 2020 2021 )的二维码
  1. 6. 06. Making complex curve/4. 0604. Equation driven curve tool.mp460.5MB
  2. 2. 02. Intermediate sketch tools/1. 0201. Create parabola.mp426.43MB
  3. 2. 02. Intermediate sketch tools/2. 0202. Slot tool.mp428.61MB
  4. 2. 02. Intermediate sketch tools/3. 0203. Create basic spline.mp449.9MB
  5. 2. 02. Intermediate sketch tools/4. 0204. Spline edit.mp457.72MB
  6. 2. 02. Intermediate sketch tools/5. 0205. Style spline.mp456.99MB
  7. 2. 02. Intermediate sketch tools/6. 0206. Spline on surface.mp426.17MB
  8. 2. 02. Intermediate sketch tools/7. 0207. Conic tool.mp426.28MB
  9. 2. 02. Intermediate sketch tools/8. 0208. Text tool.mp443.69MB
  10. 3. 03. Sketch modification/1. 0301. Dynamic mirror entities tool.mp422.35MB
  11. 3. 03. Sketch modification/2. 0302. Linear sketch pattern.mp455.78MB
  12. 3. 03. Sketch modification/3. 0303. Circular sketch pattern.mp447.36MB
  13. 3. 03. Sketch modification/4. 0304. Sketch on a planer face.mp416.33MB
  14. 3. 03. Sketch modification/5. 0305. Move rotate and copy sketch entities.mp422.14MB
  15. 4. 04. Advanced sketch topics/1. 0401. Rapid sketch tool.mp422.67MB
  16. 4. 04. Advanced sketch topics/2. 0402. Insert ordinate dimension.mp415.12MB
  17. 4. 04. Advanced sketch topics/3. 0403. Path dimension tool.mp435.09MB
  18. 4. 04. Advanced sketch topics/4. 0404. Insert sketch picture.mp435.68MB
  19. 4. 04. Advanced sketch topics/5. 0405. Sketch copy and paste to another part.mp424.59MB
  20. 4. 04. Advanced sketch topics/6. 0406. Split entites tool and Segment tool.mp448.96MB
  21. 4. 04. Advanced sketch topics/7. 0407. Derived sketch.mp433.49MB
  22. 5. 05. Work with 3D Sketch/1. 0501. Create a 3d sketch.mp429.72MB
  23. 5. 05. Work with 3D Sketch/2. 0502. Controlling 3d sketch.mp447.65MB
  24. 5. 05. Work with 3D Sketch/3. 0503. 3D sketch exercise.mp452.38MB
  25. 5. 05. Work with 3D Sketch/4. 0504. Create plane in 3D sketch.mp452.36MB
  26. 5. 05. Work with 3D Sketch/5. 0505. Create complex 3D sketch using plane.mp454.22MB
  27. 5. 05. Work with 3D Sketch/6. 0506. Offset on surface tool.mp456.4MB
  28. 5. 05. Work with 3D Sketch/7. 0507. Creating mirrored entities in 3d sketch.mp423.33MB
  29. 6. 06. Making complex curve/1. 0601. Combine curves using composite curve tool.mp433.26MB
  30. 6. 06. Making complex curve/2. 0602. Project curve tool.mp435.06MB
  31. 6. 06. Making complex curve/3. 0603. Intersection curve tool.mp442.2MB
  32. 1. 01. Introduction/1. 0101. Introduction.mp432.5MB
  33. 6. 06. Making complex curve/5. 0605. Create helix and spiral.mp436.33MB
  34. 6. 06. Making complex curve/6. 0606. Curve through XYZ points.mp428.35MB
  35. 6. 06. Making complex curve/7. 0607. Curve through reference points.mp413.79MB
  36. 6. 06. Making complex curve/8. 0608. Create multi planes and sketches using slicing tool.mp452.23MB
  37. 7. 07. Sketch Block/1. 0701. Create Block.mp432.06MB
  38. 7. 07. Sketch Block/2. 0702. Edit save or insert block.mp436.97MB
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