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TTC - The Decisive Battles of World History

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视频 2024-3-19 21:19 2024-4-28 20:46 27 3.74 GB 36
TTC - The Decisive Battles of World History的二维码
  1. 8140-01 - What Makes a Battle Decisive - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4112.47MB
  2. 8140-02 - 1274 B.C. Kadesh—Greatest Chariot Battle - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4110.88MB
  3. 8140-03 - 479 B.C. Plataea—Greece Wins Freedom - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4109.88MB
  4. 8140-04 - 331 B.C. Gaugamela—Alexander’s Genius - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4114.69MB
  5. 8140-05 - 197 B.C. Cynoscephalae—Legion vs. Phalanx - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4112.67MB
  6. 8140-06 - 31 B.C. Actium—Birth of the Roman Empire - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4103.03MB
  7. 8140-07 - 260–110 B.C. China—Struggles for Unification - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4110.19MB
  8. 8140-08 - 636 Yarmouk & al-Qadisiyyah—Islam Triumphs - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4109.51MB
  9. 8140-09 - 751 Talas & 1192 Tarain—Islam into Asia - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4105.78MB
  10. 8140-10 - 1066 Hastings—William Conquers England - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4102.12MB
  11. 8140-11 - 1087 Hattin—Crusader Desert Disaster - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4107.61MB
  12. 8140-12 - 1260 Ain Jalut—Can the Mongols Be Stopped - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4104.24MB
  13. 8140-13 - 1410 Tannenberg—Cataclysm of Knights - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4101.28MB
  14. 8140-14 - Frigidus, Badr, Diu—Obscure Turning Points - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4102.37MB
  15. 8140-15 - 1521 Tenochtitlán—Aztecs vs. Conquistadors - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4104.79MB
  16. 8140-16 - 1532 Cajamarca—Inca vs. Conquistadors - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4103.55MB
  17. 8140-17 - 1526 & 1556 Panipat—Babur & Akbar in India - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4108.17MB
  18. 8140-18 - 1571 Lepanto—Last Gasp of the Galleys - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4108.05MB
  19. 8140-19 - 1592 Sacheon—Yi’s Mighty Turtle Ships - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4102.04MB
  20. 8140-20 - 1600 Sekigahara—Samurai Showdown - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4105.23MB
  21. 8140-21 - 1683 Vienna—The Great Ottoman Siege - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4104.05MB
  22. 8140-22 - 1709 Poltava—Sweden’s Fall, Russia’s Rise - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4107.14MB
  23. 8140-23 - 1759 Quebec—Battle for North America - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4102.51MB
  24. 8140-24 - 1776 Trenton—The Revolution’s Darkest Hour - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4100.03MB
  25. 8140-25 - 1805 Trafalgar—Nelson Thwarts Napoleon - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4104.5MB
  26. 8140-26 - 1813 Leipzig—The Grand Coalition - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4105.79MB
  27. 8140-27 - 1824 Ayacucho—South American Independence - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4106.22MB
  28. 8140-28 - 1836 San Jacinto—Mexico’s Big Loss - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4102.35MB
  29. 8140-29 - 1862 Antietam—The Civil War’s Bloodiest Day - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4104.41MB
  30. 8140-30 - 1866 Königgrätz—Bismarck Molds Germany - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4103.22MB
  31. 8140-31 - 1905 Tsushima—Japan Humiliates Russia - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4104.39MB
  32. 8140-32 - 1914 Marne—Paris Is Saved - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp498.06MB
  33. 8140-33 - 1939 Khalkin Gol—Sowing the Seeds of WWII - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4107.84MB
  34. 8140-34 - 1942 Midway—Four Minutes Change Everything - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4103.13MB
  35. 8140-35 - 1942 Stalingrad—Hitler’s Ambitions Crushed - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4102.05MB
  36. 8140-36 - Recent & Not-So-Decisive Decisive Battles - The Decisive Battles of World History.mp4135.36MB
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