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VTC Autodesk AutoCAD Mechanical 2010 - Basic Concepts Course

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视频 2019-4-18 17:25 2024-4-19 21:03 151 422.89 MB 99
VTC Autodesk AutoCAD Mechanical 2010 - Basic Concepts Course的二维码
  1. 01. Introduction/01 01. AutoCAD Mechanical 2010.mov2.91MB
  2. 02. Getting Started/02 02. The Mechanical User Interface.mov3.58MB
  3. 02. Getting Started/02 03. The Application Menu.mov3.04MB
  4. 02. Getting Started/02 01. Using STARTUP.mov2.21MB
  5. 03. Getting Around/03 03. The Model Tab.mov4.16MB
  6. 03. Getting Around/03 02. Common Drawing Setup.mov4.1MB
  7. 03. Getting Around/03 04. Using Units-Imperial.mov3.7MB
  8. 03. Getting Around/03 06. Limits & Zoom.mov3.57MB
  9. 03. Getting Around/03 01. Workspaces.mov3.39MB
  10. 03. Getting Around/03 05. Using Units-Metric.mov3.33MB
  11. 04. Standards Based Design/04 01. Using Standards.mov6.21MB
  12. 04. Standards Based Design/04 02. Setting Up a Standard.mov4.64MB
  13. 05. Mechanical Layers & Layer Control/05 02. Layer Control.mov3.74MB
  14. 05. Mechanical Layers & Layer Control/05 01. Layers.mov2.89MB
  15. 06. Workflows/06 02. Reusing & Editing Data.mov5.5MB
  16. 06. Workflows/06 03. Workflows & Tools.mov5.32MB
  17. 06. Workflows/06 01. Structuring Data in Drawings.mov3.55MB
  18. 07. Creating Key Geometry/07 09. Designing with Lines.mov7.75MB
  19. 07. Creating Key Geometry/07 07. Centerlines.mov6.46MB
  20. 07. Creating Key Geometry/07 11. Feature Data For Holes & Slots.mov5.29MB
  21. 07. Creating Key Geometry/07 06. Power Snaps.mov4.95MB
  22. 07. Creating Key Geometry/07 01. Core Design Tools-Rectangle.mov4.56MB
  23. 07. Creating Key Geometry/07 04. Core Design Tools-Hatch.mov4.2MB
  24. 07. Creating Key Geometry/07 08. Construction Lines.mov4.15MB
  25. 07. Creating Key Geometry/07 03. Core Design Tools-Fillets.mov3.87MB
  26. 07. Creating Key Geometry/07 02. Core Design Tools-Chamfers.mov3.24MB
  27. 07. Creating Key Geometry/07 05. Core Design Tools-Polylines & Contours.mov2.36MB
  28. 07. Creating Key Geometry/07 10. Hatching Breakouts.mov1.71MB
  29. 08. Manipulating Geometry/08 07. Power Commands - Power Recall.mov5.9MB
  30. 08. Manipulating Geometry/08 01. Editing Tools - Offsetting Objects.mov5.28MB
  31. 08. Manipulating Geometry/08 04. Editing Tools - Scaling Objects.mov5.1MB
  32. 08. Manipulating Geometry/08 05. Power Commands - Power Edit.mov4.28MB
  33. 08. Manipulating Geometry/08 06. Power Commands - Power Copy.mov4.26MB
  34. 08. Manipulating Geometry/08 11. Associative Hide - Using Structure pt. 1.mov4.04MB
  35. 08. Manipulating Geometry/08 10. Associative Hide - Editing.mov3.91MB
  36. 08. Manipulating Geometry/08 02. Editing Tools - Joining Entities.mov3.76MB
  37. 08. Manipulating Geometry/08 08. Power Commands - Power View.mov3.55MB
  38. 08. Manipulating Geometry/08 03. Editing Tools - Breaking Objects.mov3.52MB
  39. 08. Manipulating Geometry/08 12. Associative Hide - Using Structure pt. 2.mov3.02MB
  40. 08. Manipulating Geometry/08 09. Associative Hide - Creating.mov2.74MB
  41. 09. Mechanical Part Generators/09 08. Chains & Belts.mov6.67MB
  42. 09. Mechanical Part Generators/09 09. Shaft Generator.mov6.44MB
  43. 09. Mechanical Part Generators/09 03. Ribbons & Menus.mov5.54MB
  44. 09. Mechanical Part Generators/09 01. Standard Parts Library.mov5.18MB
  45. 09. Mechanical Part Generators/09 07. Leader Notes.mov4.59MB
  46. 09. Mechanical Part Generators/09 04. Screw Components.mov4.31MB
  47. 09. Mechanical Part Generators/09 02. Standard Parts Library Favorites.mov4.09MB
  48. 09. Mechanical Part Generators/09 05. Screw Templates.mov3.88MB
  49. 09. Mechanical Part Generators/09 06. Part Representations.mov3.76MB
  50. 10. Drawing Sheets/10 08. Detail Views in Modelspace.mov6.57MB
  51. 10. Drawing Sheets/10 07. Scale Overrides.mov6.16MB
  52. 10. Drawing Sheets/10 09. Creating Annotation Views.mov5.43MB
  53. 10. Drawing Sheets/10 02. Detail Views in Layouts.mov5.42MB
  54. 10. Drawing Sheets/10 01. Modelspace Views in Layouts.mov5.28MB
  55. 10. Drawing Sheets/10 04. Creating Viewports from Scale Areas.mov5.21MB
  56. 10. Drawing Sheets/10 03. Scale Areas in Modelspace.mov4.91MB
  57. 10. Drawing Sheets/10 11. Title Blocks & Borders.mov4.85MB
  58. 10. Drawing Sheets/10 10. Editing Annotation Views.mov4.41MB
  59. 10. Drawing Sheets/10 05. Zooming Viewports to Defined Scales.mov3.84MB
  60. 10. Drawing Sheets/10 06. Plotting from Modelspace.mov3.26MB
  61. 10. Drawing Sheets/10 12. Creating New Layout.mov2.09MB
  62. 10. Drawing Sheets/10 13. Layouts from Templates.mov1.88MB
  63. 11. Page Setup Manager/11 01. Creating a Page Setup.mov5.05MB
  64. 11. Page Setup Manager/11 03. Layouts-Page Setups.mov4.28MB
  65. 11. Page Setup Manager/11 02. Model Tab-Page Setups.mov4.26MB
  66. 11. Page Setup Manager/11 05. Importing Page Setups.mov3.69MB
  67. 11. Page Setup Manager/11 04. Modifying Page Setups.mov3.3MB
  68. 12. Viewports/12 03. Named Views.mov6.85MB
  69. 12. Viewports/12 01. Default Viewports-Options.mov3.88MB
  70. 12. Viewports/12 07. Making Viewports from Objects.mov3.8MB
  71. 12. Viewports/12 04. Viewports-Model.mov3.41MB
  72. 12. Viewports/12 02. Scale Areas.mov3.27MB
  73. 12. Viewports/12 05. Viewports-Layout.mov3.1MB
  74. 12. Viewports/12 06. Polygonal Viewports.mov3.02MB
  75. 13. Dimensioning & Annotating/13 02. Creating Dimensions.mov6.19MB
  76. 13. Dimensioning & Annotating/13 06. Revision Lists.mov6MB
  77. 13. Dimensioning & Annotating/13 04. Hole Charts & Fit Lists.mov5.36MB
  78. 13. Dimensioning & Annotating/13 01. Annotation & Symbols.mov4.67MB
  79. 13. Dimensioning & Annotating/13 05. Editing Hole Charts & Fits Lists.mov4.62MB
  80. 13. Dimensioning & Annotating/13 03. Editing Dimensions.mov2.84MB
  81. 14. BOMs Parts & Balloons/14 04. Inserting Parts Lists Using Structure.mov4.9MB
  82. 14. BOMs Parts & Balloons/14 01. Part References.mov4.56MB
  83. 14. BOMs Parts & Balloons/14 03. Inserting Parts Lists.mov4.43MB
  84. 14. BOMs Parts & Balloons/14 02. Bills Of Materials (BOMs).mov4.22MB
  85. 14. BOMs Parts & Balloons/14 05. Ballooning Parts.mov3.89MB
  86. 15. Leveraging Existing Data/15 01. Removing Mechanical Content.mov7.18MB
  87. 15. Leveraging Existing Data/15 02. IGES In.mov6.46MB
  88. 15. Leveraging Existing Data/15 03. IGES Out.mov3.08MB
  89. 16. Options For the CAD Manager/16 03. Layer - Text & Symbol Properties pt. 2.mov5.79MB
  90. 16. Options For the CAD Manager/16 01. Standards Based Design.mov5.25MB
  91. 16. Options For the CAD Manager/16 08. Content Libraries pt. 1.mov5.25MB
  92. 16. Options For the CAD Manager/16 06. Parts Lists.mov3.93MB
  93. 16. Options For the CAD Manager/16 07. Balloons.mov3.74MB
  94. 16. Options For the CAD Manager/16 04. Annotation Tools.mov3.68MB
  95. 16. Options For the CAD Manager/16 05. Component Properties & BOM.mov3.23MB
  96. 16. Options For the CAD Manager/16 02. Layer - Text & Symbol Properties pt. 1.mov2.31MB
  97. 16. Options For the CAD Manager/16 09. Content Libraries pt. 2.mov1.89MB
  98. 17. Conclusion/17 01. Wrap Up.mov3.11MB
  99. 18. Credits/18 01. About the Author.mov892.92KB
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